Rule of Law Measurement: Uses and Users
Date: 5 February 2020
Time: 15:00-17:30 (registration from 14:30)
Event Details
Hosted by the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law in collaboration with the Bonavero Institute of Human Rights at the University of Oxford this event is focused on thinking about how better information on the Rule of Law can drive improved outcomes. We will bring together data producers, users and academics to discuss how Rule of Law measurement tools can better meet users' needs and provide an accurate representation of the Rule of Law situation within and across countries. We hope to use the event as a platform for building positive feedback loops between producers and users.
We will produce a public report, to be co-published by the Bingham Centre and Bonavero Institute, which will incorporate the findings of the roundtable. Please contact Nyasha Weinberg if you have any queries, or would like to attend.
Join in the conversation @BIICL #Ruleoflawmeasurement
Attendance is by invitation only.