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Parliamentary Review of the Coronavirus Act 2020: Scrutiny Delayed, or Scrutiny Denied?

Date: 14th October 2021

Time: 1pm-2pm (British Summer Time)

Venue: Online

Event Details

We are delighted to announce a Webinar in collaboration with the COVID-19 Review Observatory (University of Birmingham) on the upcoming six-month review of the Coronavirus Act 2020.

The speakers will discuss the six-month review process built into the Coronavirus Act 2020. They will reflect on how the reviews have operated so far, and on their effectiveness for holding the Government to account for the operation of powers under the Coronavirus Act 2020. The speakers will then look ahead to the upcoming six-month review, due to take place this month, which will be the last before the Act either expires or the Government seeks to place the relevant powers on extended statutory footing.

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  • Daniella Lock, Research Fellow at the COVID-19 Review Observatory


  • Katie Lines, Research Fellow in Rule of Law Monitoring of Coronavirus Legislation at the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law
  • Professor Fiona de Londras, Principal Investigator at the COVID-19 Review Observatory

This webinar is free to attend, however, advance registration is required

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