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Weekly Update

"Over the last 75 years, our nations have stood up for peace in Europe and globally, for democracy, tolerance and the rule of law. We recommit today to those shared values because they support the stability and prosperity of our nations and our people. We will work together as allies and friends to defend these freedoms whenever they are threatened."

So says the D-Day Proclamation, signed by 16 states to mark the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings this week. There is an unavoidable cognitive dissonance involved in such a Proclamation being organised by a Brexiting UK and signed by both the President of America First and Poland, which is currently the subject of enforcement action by the EU for systematically undermining the Rule of Law.

Nevertheless, the moving commemorations of the week showed the importance of a shared sense of history to the revival of currently unfashionable values like multilateralism, tolerance and the Rule of Law - a revival for which the Bingham Centre continues to work tirelessly, as our activities this week demonstrate.

You can read our Weekly Update here 

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