Justice Week 2020
The Bar Council, Chartered Institute of Legal Executives and Law Society ran a week-long campaign from 24th - 28th February to promote access to justice and the Rule of Law called 'Justice Week'.
The Bingham Centre was both a member of the advisory committee for the campaign and one of its leading participants. Michael Abiodun Olatokun led a series of activities that included the following:
- Monday 24th February- a panel discussion on the topic 'Can PLE Increase A2J'. The event was convened by the Legal Services Board and our partner law firm Simmons & Simmons.
- Wednesday 26th February- The Bar Council published an explanatory note on 'Defending Democracy' that explores the role of the Information Commissioner's Office and the courts in upholding important civic participation rights. This note can be accessed here: https://www.barcouncil.org.uk/uploads/assets/8aaaf935-e624-4062-9169b6749a6046c1/Defending-Democracy.pdf
- Wednesday 26th February- Michael and our visiting Research Assistant Emma Lee ran a presentation for students from Oaklands School in Bethnal Green on contemporary issues in public law.
- Wednesday 26th February- Michael was part of a panel discussion with Bambos Charalambous MP and Lord Bach on the implications of public funding for legal aid and digitalisation of courts.
- Thursday 27th February- Michael gave a presentation on 'The Rule of Law in the Digital Age' exploring the digitalisation of the court system and the implications of the use of facial recognition technology.