Practice Notes

The Exchange is keen to foster empirical and comparative knowledge on what works and what does not in rule of law interventions, encourage discussions on their impact, as well as to identify good practice, research gaps, and ways forward.

To this end, the Exchange is compilng a list of short papers (such as think pieces, practice notes, policy documents, etc) of around 1,500 - 3,000 words presenting research, case-studies and evidence from the field (see the full call for practice notes here

Practice Notes

  • R. Burke, "Rule of Law Reform Initiatives: Impact on Gender Justice in Fragile, Conflict-Affected States" - view document
  • K. Charamba, "Public-Private Regulation of the Global private military and security industry" view document
  • F.O De Figueiredo, "Building accountability under intense pressure: Lessons from the 'anti-corruption' legislation in Brazil" view document
  • J.B Falisse, N Leszczynska, "'I am not corrupt': Targeted Awareness Messages to Fight Corruption - view document
  • M Mendelski, "The EU's Rule of Law Promotion in Central and Eastern Europe: where and why does it fail, and what can be done about it?" - view document
  • Z. Mentel, "From Under a tree to inside a Courtroom: Examining Elements of Informal Justice Systems for Use in International Rule of Law Assistance Programmes" - view document
  • J. Moriceau, "Legal Aid and Rule of Law Effectiveness in Fragile States: Lesson from a large-scale legal assistance project for pre-trial detainees in Burundi" - view document
  • T. P. Paige, "How building prisons in Somalia promoted the Rule of Law throughout East Africa" - view document

If you want to submit a practice note, please get in touch


Brazil Must Fight Corruption But Preserve the Rule of Law

This blog investigates the tension between fighting corruption and respecting the rule of law, taking Brazil as an example. ...

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