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Oliver Garner
Maurice Wohl Research Leader in European Rule of Law
Biography Dr. Oliver Garner is Maurice Wohl Research Leader in European Rule of Law at the Bingham Centre for the Rule of Law, British Institute of International and Comparative Law. He holds a B.A. in Jurisprudence from the University of Oxford, and an LL.M. in Comparative, European and International Laws and a Doctorate in Laws from the European University Institute (EUI). His Ph.D. research analysed withdrawal and opt-outs from the European Union. His work has been published in the…
EUROPE+1Julinda Beqiraj
Maurice Wohl Senior Fellow in European Law
Biography Dr. Julinda Beqiraj is the Maurice Wohl Senior Fellow in European Law. She leads and develops the research and events program in European law and publishes high-quality research for the Institute in this area; proactively pursues Institute-wide research projects in European law areas, (such as human rights trade and the environment), drawing on expertise from across the Institute, as appropriate; and contributes to the Bingham Centre's work on Access to Justice,…
EUROPE+2Weekly Update 29 July 2022
29th July 2022
Weekly Update 29 July 2022 Dear Friends, This is our last edition before the Weekly Update takes a break for the summer. We wish all Northern Hemisphere readers a respite from the widespread heatwaves, and look forward to bringing you more news from September. On 12 September, the UK's controversial "Bill of Rights" Bill is due to be debated in the House of Commons. The Bingham Centre already has a programme of work examining this Bill. This week, we are pleased to announce a joint project…
CITIZENSHIP+5White Paper: Rule of Law, Legitimacy and Effective COVID-19 Control Technologies
29th July 2022
White Paper: Rule of Law, Legitimacy and Effective COVID-19 Control Technologies Julinda Beqiraj, Akanksha Bisoyi, Christian Djeffal, Mark Findlay, Jane Loo, Ong Li Min This White Paper aims to provide an overview over the assessment of the technological applications in terms of their legitimacy and amenability to Rule of Law standards ensuring respect for rights and liberties. This Paper is oriented towards the policymakers who consider introducing surveillance…
MAURICE WOHLNorthern Ireland Protocol Bill - Committee Stage: A Rule of Law Analysis
12th July 2022
Northern Ireland Protocol Bill - Committee Stage: A Rule of Law Analysis Executive Summary This Report is intended to inform and assist parliamentarians in their deliberations on the Northern Ireland Protocol Bill, due for Committee Stage on 13, 18 and 19 July in the House of Commons. There are two serious Rule of Law concerns with the Bill. The first is that it seeks to depart unilaterally from the terms of an international agreement with the EU. Such a move is not in compliance…