Weekly Update
This week Brandon Lewis MP, the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, announced the…
Weekly Update
In a week which began with the Health Secretary's resignation reigniting the…
Weekly Update
At last week's excellent Constitution Unit conference on Boris Johnson's constitutional…
Weekly Update
If, like me and the team at the Bingham Centre, you care deeply about the…
Weekly Update
At our joint event this week on The Rule of Law and Authoritarian Ascendance,…
Weekly Update
In the midst of the more headline-grabbing claims about political personalities…
Weekly Update
COVID-19 vaccine certifications have become a focal point in debates relating…
Weekly Update
The theme of the Queen's Speech this week was Building Back Better after Covid.…
Weekly Update
Vaccine 'passports' - not only for international travel but also potentially…
Weekly Update
In a significant defence of the Rule of Law this week, Parliament flexed its…