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Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Kosovo*

In the framework of the Council of Europe's Commission for the Efficiency of Justice (CEPEJ)/European Union Joint Action on "Strengthening the Quality and Efficiency of Justice in Kosovo", the CEPEJ is supporting Kosovo authorities in improving access to justice and promoting timely justice functioning with a high level of quality. Special focus is put on judicial data collection and management, with the support of the Bingham Centre.

  • December 2016: Dr Julinda Beqiraj took part as a CEPEJ expert (alongside other CEPEJ experts) in a mission in Pristina aimed at collecting data according to the CEPEJ methodology and obtaining additional information on the general functioning of the judicial system and the daily work of courts and prosecution services.
  • May 2017: another mission took place in Pristina to attend technical meetings with the project's beneficiaries and to present and discuss the first findings of an in-depth assessment study on the functioning of the judicial system in Kosovo, currently led by the CEPEJ.
  • January 2018: As an essential first step towards the identification and implementation of efficient solutions for improving the quality of justice as a public service, an in-depth analysis report of the judicial system of Kosovo has been produced, based on the CEPEJ methodology and indicators. The report provides a relevant diagnosis of the judicial system - through a scientific data collection, processing and analysis.

The main conclusions and recommendations of the report were presented to the political and judicial authorities of Kosovo, on 24 January 2018, in Pristina, by the Council of Europe delegation composed of the expert Dr Beqiraj, the CEPEJ Secretariat and the local office.

* All reference to Kosovo, whether the territory, institutions or population, in this text shall be understood in full compliance with United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 and without prejudice to the status of Kosovo

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