The Rule of Law Monitoring of Legislation Project
The Rule of Law Monitoring of Legislation Project - which has recently resumed - systematically monitors UK Government Bills to identify any which may have significant implications for the Rule of Law. We carry out a detailed Rule of Law analysis of any provisions with significant Rule of Law implications, scrutinising those provisions against Lord Bingham's eight Rule of Law Principles and against internationally recognised Rule of Law standards such as those in the Venice Commission's Rule of Law Checklist.
We make our Rule of Law analysis available to both Houses of Parliament to assist them with their Rule of Law scrutiny of legislation. Where legislation can be improved from a Rule of Law perspective, we make constructive recommendations of amendments. The project occasionally also reports on secondary legislation which has significant Rule of Law implications.
The Rule of Law Monitoring of Legislation Project was generously supported during 2020-2022 by the David and Elaine Potter Foundation, the AB Charitable Trust, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Joseph Rowntree Reform Trust. The latest phase of the project is funded by the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust.

Reports and Blog Posts - current session
- Clauses 70 and 71 of the New Data (Use and Access) Bill: Will We See a Different Approach to Delegated Powers in the New Parliament? (29 November 2024)
- A First Look at the Employment Rights Bill and What is Left Unsaid: Delegated Powers, Planned Consultations and Government Amendments (24 October 2024)
- The Labour government's legislative programme - the first 100 days (26 September 2024)
Reports and Blog Posts - previous sessions
Criminal Justice Bill
Litigation Funding Agreements (Enforceability) Bill
Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill
- Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill: Proposed amendments for House of Lords Committee stage
- Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill: A Rule of Law Analysis for House of Lords Second Reading
- Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill: A Preliminary Rule of Law Analysis for House of Commons Second Reading
Northern Ireland Protocol Bill:
- Northern Ireland Protocol Bill - Committee Stage: A Rule of Law Analysis
- Northern Ireland Protocol Bill: A Rule of Law Analysis of its Compliance with International Law
- Does the Vienna Convention provide a legal off-ramp for unilaterally changing the Northern Ireland Protocol?
Northern Ireland Troubles (Legacy and Reconciliation) Bill:
Judicial Review and Courts Bill:
- Judicial Review and Courts Bill, Clauses 1 and 2 (Consideration of Lords Amendments): A Rule of Law Analysis
- Judicial Review and Courts Bill, Clauses 1 and 2 (Report Stage, House of Lords): A Rule of Law Analysis
Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022:
- Government Amendments to the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill: A Rule of Law Analysis
- Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill: A Rule of Law Analysis
Nationality and Borders Act 2022:
- Nationality and Borders Bill (Lords Consideration of Commons Amendments): A Rule of Law Analysis
- Nationality and Borders Bill: A Rule of Law Analysis of Clauses 67 to 80
- Nationality and Borders Bill: A Rule of Law Analysis of Clauses 29 and 39
- Nationality and Borders Bill: A Rule of Law Analysis of Clauses 9 and 11
Overseas Operations (Service Personnel and Veterans) Act 2021:
Coronavirus legislation (primary and secondary):
- Formal Meeting (oral evidence session): Coronavirus Act 2020 Two Years On
- 18 Months of COVID-19 Legislation in England: A Rule of Law Analysis
- Written evidence submitted to the UK Government's consultation on mandatory COVID certification in a Plan B scenario
- The Contact Tracing Self-Isolation Regime in England: A Rule of Law Analysis
- Written evidence submitted to the Public Administration and Constitutional Affairs Committee Covid-19 Vaccine Certification Inquiry
- Protests During Lockdown (England): A Rule of Law Analysis
- Coronavirus, Hotel Quarantine Regulations (England): A Rule of Law Analysis
- Government Messaging on Exercising during Lockdown - A Rule of Law Analysis
- Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (England) (No. 4) Regulations: A Rule of Law Analysis
- Parliamentary Scrutiny of Coronavirus Lockdown Regulations: A Rule of Law Analysis
- Coronavirus, Face Coverings on Public Transport Regulations: A Rule of Law Analysis
- Coronavirus Bill: A Rule of Law Analysis (Supplementary Report - House of Lords)
- Rule of Law Monitoring of Legislation - Coronavirus Bill
Terrorist Offenders (Restriction of Early Release) Act 2020:
- A Rule of Law Analysis (Second Report)
- A Rule of Law Analysis (Second Report): Executive Summary
- A Rule of Law Analysis
- A Rule of Law Analysis: Executive Summary
United Kingdom Internal Market Act 2020:
- Consideration of House of Lords Amendments (Clauses 44-47)
- House of Lords Committee Stage: A Rule of Law Analysis of Clauses 44-47
- House of Lords 2nd Reading: A Rule of Law Analysis of Clauses 44-47
- A Rule of Law Analysis of Clauses 42-45 (updated for House of Commons Report Stage)
- A Rule of Law Analysis of Clauses 42-45
Immigration and Social Security Co-ordination (EU Withdrawal) Act 2020: